Brain Hackers
A "hacker" finds backdoors and vulnerabilities they can exploit to their advantage. A Brain Hacker does the same by knowing the hidden ways the brain operates.
Zia Robotics FRC (FIRST Robotics Competition) Team
Our team consists of nine 9th-12th grade students from Albuquerque, Socorro and Sandia Park, New Mexico. The robot is being built using the AM14U3 FRC competition set from Andy Mark and will be programmed in C++. The team involves a partnership between the Brain Hackers Association, and La Academia de Esperanza, who has made their facilities and maker space available to the team, with adult mentors from Air Force Research Laboratory, La Academia de Esperanza, Leido, Inc, the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Northrop Grumman, Sandia National Laboratories and the U.S. Air Force.
Link to team website: