Brain Hackers
A "hacker" finds backdoors and vulnerabilities they can exploit to their advantage. A Brain Hacker does the same by knowing the hidden ways the brain operates.
We provide programs at no cost to schools that introduce youth to computer programming, biotechnology and robotics. These activities also incorporate mertacognitive skills training and techniques for product design and development, and project management that will benefit youth no matter their interests. During the 2017-18 school year, we were in 22 schools with over 1,200 students participating in our monthly beginner computer programming classes.
We are based in the state of New Mexico and have placed an emphasis on supporting schools in rural communities and students from groups that are underrepresented in STEM professions. The importance of our work is highlighted by the fact that in the last year, New Mexico schools ranked 50th in the U.S. and the state ranked in the bottom 10% nationwide in economic opportunities and career achievements.